All your hotels in one place
Multi-Property Management Software
Platform for easy and fast centralised control of multiple hotel groups. Now you don’t need to search for each property in the system because all your hotels, their bookings, orders, invoices, and employees are gathered in one cloud-based system.

To be a hotel manager is hard work anyway. But there is an apparent difference between the management of one hotel and a hotel group. In the last case, it is about much more bookings, orders, and nerves of steel. And all of the tasks can’t wait while you are typing in each name of your multiple hotels into the search field.
Effective work with few properties means that you should switch between problems in different places, cope with tricky situations in a short time, and keep a lot of things in your head not letting them get mixed up. Quite a challenging task, isn’t it? But we know how to make your life easier and eliminate many annoying things in the workflow.

How does it work
Multi-Hotel Management makes information much more accessible and simplifies the working process. Do you have to deal with an unsatisfied guest for whom each minute of waiting means minus one star in the review? Or you are getting bored of how many clicks you have to do and how many tabs you have to open to find a single booking or check information about the customer? But with an intuitive HotelFriend system, you can manage several hotels handily and work without any irritating moments.
Your properties will be displayed in a list with many filters, so you can find any of them quickly when you need it. Besides, you can see bookings and orders with current statuses from all properties in the menu on the left and check necessary information about them. Thus, you minimize your actions in the system and save plenty of time.
The Guests module
In the Guests module, there are cards of each customer with details about his / her previous stays, orders, payments, deals, and invoices, which you can download.
The Employees module
In the Employees module, the system enables editing of information, except emails of hotel workers. You can change the time zone, role, language, personal information, password, as well as delete their access.
Quick access to information
Easy to find any hotel.
Handy filters to sort properties, bookings, orders, etc.
Time efficiency
No need to type in each hotel in the search field.
All data are always at call.
Smart system
Suitable for computer experts, as well as for beginners.
Detailed instructions on how to work with the system.
HotelFriend Features
Hotel Management
Finance & Payment
Revenue Management
Guest Relations
Digital Marketing