
How to add a custom Employee role

The roles in the HotelFriend system determine which set of permissions apply to a certain user. If the built-in roles don’t meet the specific requirements of your property, you can create your own custom roles.

Important: To grant access to certain functions within a custom role, you must take an existing role with a wider set of permissions. Then, you must modify it by disabling the functions unnecessary for this role. Only an employee with the Admin role can edit roles.

Here is how to create a custom role:

  1. Go to Settings, select Employees, and go to the Roles tab.
  2. In the upper right corner, click Add Role.
  3. How to add a custom Employee role

  4. In the window that opens, enter the name of the new role in the Name field.
  5. In the Role ID field, select an existing built-in role from the list.
  6. Uncheck the checkboxes near the functionalities and permissions you want to exclude from the new role.
  7. You can view a description of the functionality or permission by hovering the mouse over the question mark sign near it.

  8. Click Save.
  9. How to add a custom Employee role

    Once you’ve created the role, you can add new Employees related to this role or edit the level of system access for existing Employees.

    If you need any help or advice in creating a custom role in the HotelFriend system, please contact our support team and we’ll do our best to assist you.


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