
How to set up Cash books

The Cash books is a module for cash accounting. The system displays both incoming and outgoing transactions. This module consists of two tabs: “Main” and “Settings”. In the “Main” tab, you can create such categories as revenue and expense, use the search field and various filters. In the “Settings” tab, you can add and customize all accounts and their data.

This is how to set up the Cash books module

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab in the Cash books module.
  2. Click the “Add account” button.
  3. How to set up Cash books

  4. Fill in the name of the account in a corresponding field.
  5. Add the Account ID.
  6. Click the “Create” button.
  7. How to set up Cash books

In case you need to add a new Cash book, follow these instructions

  1. Select the Cash books module in the left-side menu.
  2. In the “Main” tab, click the “Create Cash book” button.
  3. If necessary, change the name of the Cash book in the new window.
  4. Set the opening balance in the “Initial Balance” field.
  5. Click the “Create” button.
  6. How to set up Cash books


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