How to add Deals
Discounted package offers are a great way to increase the occupancy of your property. Create attractive deals in our PMS system for hotels to get better sales results.
- Go to "Settings".
- Choose "Deals".
- Click on the "Add deal" button, in the upper right corner.
- Enter the name of the deal in the "Name" box.
- Be sure to pull up the appropriate Tag from the drop-down list.
- In case the deal is valid for certain dates - select "With the choice of dates of arrival".
- In the "Description" box, enter the services that are included in the deal, for example:
- 2 nights in the superior room;
- 2x breakfast;
- 2x dinner;
- 1x welcome drink;
- 2 excursion to the Forbidden forest.
- Next, be sure to choose all the services that the deal includes:
- in the ''Services Included in Deal'' table pull up the services, that were already pre-configured in the "Services" module, from the drop-down list - select the service value parameters in ''Options'' (per person, per night, per room, per serving, one cup, per hour, per booking and so on);
- in ''Count'' register the number of service offered in the deal. If the service repeats every day - you can display it by clicking on the "per day" button;
- by pressing the "+" button add the other services.
- In the "Default price" column indicate:.
- number of nights;
- room type;
- pull up the meal type from the drop-down list;
- enter the number of adults and children;
- fill in the "Price without discount" and "Price for sale" boxes.
- By pressing the ''+'' button add the other options.
- Click on the "Next step" button.
- In the pop-up window, click on the "Upload Image" button in the upper right corner.
- Select a suitable photo for the deal, from your device.
- After downloading the photo, close the pop-up window by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.
- Check the information and click on the "Save" button.
- If another foreign language is also connected to your account, be sure to open "Deal" and, by clicking on the checkbox, switch to the appropriate language. Translate the information and save it by clicking on the "Save" button.
- Go to the Deals and click on the button next to the created transaction under the "Status" column. The active deal should be green.
- In order to change or delete the deal, you can use the menu located on the right next to the created deal.