Product Updates v. 3.90.0: Login via Microsoft account, Adyen Checkout, and Guest import for groups

Product Updates v. 3.90.0: Login via Microsoft account, Adyen Checkout, and Guest import for groups

Meet new payment features with versatile options for charging guests and tune into the seamless group booking management through automated guest imports. Uncover these and more features awaiting you in this latest update!

What’s new for hoteliers?

1. Introducing quick login with a Microsoft account

Experience seamless access to our system by logging in with your Microsoft Account. If your email matches the one used for system login, simply click on the Microsoft icon beneath the Sign In button to effortlessly access your account without manual entry of login credentials.

 Introducing quick login with a Microsoft account

2. Added new functionality for Adyen payments

Explore advanced features for Adyen payment integration. Now, you can tokenize cards and process payments for virtual cards. Card tokenization involves entering card details through the Add Payment feature, confirming it, and utilizing the encrypted data to pay for subsequent bookings and services later.

Moreover, within the Add Payment modal window, users can opt for Adyen Checkout when dealing with virtual cards exclusively. Enter virtual card details to add a specific amount to the balance or choose Adyen Checkout as the payment method through the Create Invoice modal. Enjoy the flexibility to make payments using the terminal, tokenized cards, or Adyen Checkout.

Added new functionality for Adyen payments
Added new functionality for Adyen payments

3. Improved group bookings by adding Guest Import

Simplify group booking management with the new Guest Import feature. Import a CSV or XLS file with guest information, and the system will automatically allocate guests to their respective rooms. This time-saving enhancement ensures a smooth process by automatically assigning guests from the list, even after the group booking has already been made.

4. Better validation for custom fields

Elevate your customization experience with improved validation for custom fields on the Settings page. A new feature has been introduced to check custom fields, helping identify instances where identical fields have been inadvertently created.

5. Enhanced user experience for the Room Rates overview

Enjoy a more intuitive user experience with the Room Rates Overview. In this version, we’ve implemented a preloader and page blur when changing dates using the Today filter, providing clear indications of the loading process.

6. Fixes and visual improvements

  • ● Resolved the “Cancel” button issue on the “Change payer” modal window.
  • ● Fixed prepayment display omission in the payment tab for company bookings.
  • ● Addressed the service list UI in the “Add Deal Booking” modal.
  • ● Fixed the “Record saved” notification absence after adding a payment method for reservations.
  • ● Corrected the price display for collective orders in the “Price of orders” table.
  • ● Various minor UI fixes for an overall improved user experience.

We strive to deliver innovations that not only meet but exceed your expectations. That’s why we encourage you to share any suggestions or ideas that can further elevate our product and cater to your needs even better.

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