Booking Engine v. 3.2.0: Chats in My Trips, multiple pricing for deals, and more customization

Booking Engine v. 3.2.0: Chats in My Trips, multiple pricing for deals, and more customization

This week we're thrilled to introduce several features that enhance guest communication, streamline operations, and make booking management more convenient. Here's what's new!


What’s new for hoteliers?

1. Enhanced communication with guests through online chat

Meet an exciting addition to your guest’s booking experience – chats in “My Trips”. Before that, guest-hotelier communication was confined to the Concierge App.

Enhanced communication with guests through online chat

Now, all guests and Booking Engine users can easily access the chat feature, called "Messages," by clicking on their profile picture. It provides a comprehensive list of all chats related to their bookings at the hotel. Guests can initiate conversations, exchange messages, and even attach files for direct communication with the hotel.

Enhanced communication with guests through online chat

2. Improved room restrictions visibility

We've made significant improvements to how room restrictions are displayed on the Booking Engine. Within your Property Management System (PMS), you can create various restrictions for the Booking Engine, such as minimum or maximum reservation days. These date-specific restrictions will be highlighted on the Booking Engine calendar in distinct colors, making it easier to see which rooms are affected by these restrictions.

Improved room restrictions visibility

3. Convenient booking summary for a single-page view

Now you can view a "Total to Pay" block on the single-page view of the Booking Engine. When the "Enable single-page view" toggle is enabled in the PMS, the Booking Engine is presented as a single page. Scroll down, and you'll find the new "Total to Pay" block, where you can review and modify your booking details, including any promo codes.

Convenient booking summary for a single-page view

4. Revamped reservation confirmation and success page

We've updated the reservation confirmation and success page. Now, when guests select a room, add services, and proceed to checkout, they'll see additional information in the order summary. This includes a subtotal price for the entire booking, VAT details, and the total sum for the booking and services.

Revamped reservation confirmation and success page

5. Clear display of the Check-In and Check-Out details

The check-in and check-out times are now prominently displayed in different parts of the Booking Engine, including the order summary, ensuring that guests have easy access to this essential information.

Clear display of the Check-In and Check-Out details

6. Enhanced customization for your Booking Engine

Customize your Booking Engine by controlling the visibility of the Map block. By toggling "Show hotel location map" in your PMS settings, you can either show or hide the location block as per your preferences.

Enhanced customization for your Booking Engine

7. Flexible pricing options for deals

We've expanded the flexibility of your deals on the Booking Engine. You can now create deals and set different prices based on the number of people, nights, or days included, giving you more pricing options and making your offers more attractive.

Flexible pricing options for deals

8. Minor Booking Engine improvements

To further enhance your booking experience, we've made several minor improvements:

  • ● Added "from" to prices on room listings to indicate starting rates for specific dates.
  • ● Replaced question marks with "i" symbols on the Compact and Detailed room views for clearer information.
  • ● Improved user experience when adding services to your booking in a modal window.
  • ● Enabled filtering deals by the number of available options.
  • ● Added the "Inclusive of all fees and taxes" text to the total price for more transparency.
  • ● Key information like check-in time is now highlighted in bold for easy reference.
  • ● VAT for services in deals is now clearly displayed in the shopping cart for a complete overview.

Our team is dedicated to ongoing enhancements to ensure your unique user experience remains exceptional. We value your input, and if you have any ideas on how we can further enhance our product, please don't hesitate to share them with us!

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