Booking Engine v. 3.3.0: Improved self-check-in flow, search by location in Multi-Booking Engine

Booking Engine v. 3.3.0: Improved self-check-in flow, search by location in Multi-Booking Engine

In this latest update, we're thrilled to introduce a revamped self-check-in experience for your guests and enhanced search within Multi-Booking Engine. Let's dive into the exciting new features!


What’s new for hoteliers?

1. Introducing improved self-check-in flow

Introducing a smoother self-check-in process with our latest update! We've revamped the Remote Reception, offering two new customizable pages: "Payments" and "Door Lock." Now, guests who made their reservations through Booking Engine and OTA systems can seamlessly check-in on their own.

● Customized room display options

Customization takes center stage with our new "Room Style" feature within the Booking Engine's settings. Choose from "Dynamic," "Detailed Table," or "Compact Table" views to tailor the appearance of rooms on your Booking Engine exactly as you envision.

Customized room display options

● Create a “Door Lock card” page for the Remote Reception

We've enhanced the self-check-in flow by introducing a step for encoding room access cards. Guests now have the choice to encode their cards immediately or skip this step. Flexibility at its best!

Create a “Door Lock card” page for the Remote Reception

● Intuitive navigation across all the self-check-in steps

Navigating through the self-check-in process is now easier than ever. We've added progress indicators and intuitive buttons like "Back" and "Exit" at each check-in stage, ensuring a more user-friendly experience.

2. Added search by location in the Multi-Booking Engine

The Multi-Booking Engine by HotelFriend just got better! This advanced booking engine allows chain hotels to efficiently manage bookings centrally.

In this release, we've expanded its search capabilities. Find hotels within your network not only by name but also by location. Streamline the booking process across all your chain hotels with ease.

Added search by location in the Multi-Booking Engine

3. Minor fixes and visual improvements

We've diligently worked on addressing several issues to improve system usability:

  • ● Fixed instances where hotels were displayed without prices and dates in Multi-Booking Engine, ensuring accurate and comprehensive search results.
  • ● Improved the layout of key pages, such as the confirmation page and "My Trips," providing a more user-friendly and visually pleasing experience.
  • ● Addressed scaling issues with modal windows, ensuring accurate sizing and display.
  • ● Implemented a fix to accurately count the number of available deals in the header.
  • ● Applied a hotfix for a smoother experience when filtering deals, accommodating changes in the number of people and providing more tailored results.
  • ● Fixed subcategory visibility issues in the portfolio, ensuring a comprehensive display of offerings for a more informed selection.
  • ● Rectified a situation where Google Maps and "Facilities" were not displayed after clicking the "Add to Order" button for a deal, ensuring a seamless booking process.

We value your suggestions! If you have any thoughts on how we can tailor our offerings to better suit your needs, share them with us. Your trust and support drive our continuous improvement. Thank you for choosing HotelFriend!

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