Product Updates v. 3.84.0: Custom fields for guest cards, enhanced Occupancy Report, and tailored invoicing

Product Updates v. 3.84.0: Custom fields for guest cards, enhanced Occupancy Report, and tailored invoicing

We've been listening to your feedback and working hard to make your experience smoother and even more enjoyable. Here's what's new in HotelFriend this week!


What’s new for hoteliers?

1. Introducing custom fields for guest profiles

In this update, we've turbocharged our guest data capabilities by introducing Custom Fields. Now, alongside our predefined fields, you can seamlessly add, edit, or delete custom fields that match your specific guest data needs. Access this feature in the Custom option settings under the Guest section, providing unparalleled flexibility throughout the system.

Introducing custom fields for guest profiles

Need to import guest data? No problem! Our 'Import Contacts' action now smoothly integrates with custom fields, making it simple to import guest data from CSV, XLS, or XLSX files. Your team can now work with guest information more efficiently.

Introducing custom fields for guest profiles

2. Clearer payment information displayed within reports and invoices

We’ve made a significant upgrade to payment methods within reports and invoices, especially for Adyen and similar providers. Meet a new field where you can assign specific card brands to each custom payment method.

Clearer payment information displayed within reports and invoices

For instance, you can configure 'mc' for MasterCard, 'amex' for American Express, and 'visa' for Visa transactions. After that, in reports and invoices, you’ll see the configured card brand prominently displayed instead of the generic 'Adyen(terminal),' providing clearer and more detailed payment information.

Clearer payment information displayed within reports and invoices

3. Deeper data insights with updated Occupancy Report

The Occupancy Report gets a facelift! Instead of focusing solely on availability, it now showcases the percentage of room occupancy. Gain deeper insights into your property's utilization and make informed decisions based on occupancy metrics.

4. Added a field for comments to tailor your invoices

Responding to user requests, we've enhanced the second step of the invoice creation process. Tailor the invoice comment section to add specific details, personalized messages, or any additional information that enhances the clarity and effectiveness of your invoices. Take control of your billing communications and meet the unique needs of your clients or guests.

Added a field for comments to tailor your invoices

5. Improved City Tax calculation

Navigate city tax regulations effortlessly! Our system now offers the option to calculate city tax either on the NET amount (exclusive of VAT) or the GROSS amount (inclusive of VAT). Stay compliant with local tax requirements and streamline your calculations seamlessly.

6. More clarity for the terms “Out of Service” and “Out of Order” in German

We've made adjustments to the German translations for terms like "Out of Service" and "Out of Order." English versions are now used to enhance understanding and reduce confusion between these two terms.

More clarity for the terms “Out of Service” and “Out of Order” in German

7. Fixes and visual improvements

  • ● Calendar logic fix: Orders calendar logic has been fixed to display all orders without limitations.
  • ● Cash books billing reason fix: Resolved an error related to automatic cash payments in Cash Books billing.
  • ● F&B management report optimization: The F&B Management report is now optimized for the very large datasets, ensuring a smoother experience.

If you have any suggestions, insights, or ideas on how we can tailor our software even more closely to your requirements, please do not hesitate to share them with us. Together, we can continue to innovate and create a product that truly resonates with your needs!

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