For Guests:
🔵 New design of the hotel page

🔵 New design of the deal page

🔵 Opportunity to buy a deal with indefinite dates

🔵 10-point hotel rating based on Google rankings

🔵 New basket

For Hoteliers:
🔵 Enabled the option to search by reservation or the name of the guest in the main search

🔵 The menu was reorganized for easy navigation:
🔹For the hotel administrator

🔹For the reception user

🔹For the user of the department

🔵 When creating an invoice for a guest with deferred payment - it will automatically open in a new browser tab
🔵 New design of the profile editing page

🔵 The Department Statistic block on the hotel administrator and the reception user dashboard is improved
🔵 The settings of the children`s stay are moved to the settings of the hotel Settings / Hotel / Children
🔵 PayPal is added to payment methods
🔵 Deals
🔹Enabled the option to create a deal without specifying dates

🔹Enabled the option to specify a discount on the deal
🔵 Enabled the option to change the reservation status at Front Desk

🔵 New design of error notifications and successful operations
🔵 Updated quota in Channel Manager when creating / booking with HF PMS
🔵 Fixed display bugs in Firefox, Safari browsers
Public relations: Stephanie Moench