20 - 30 hours spread out of 3 - 5 months - that’s how much time is spent in average for researching a trip. It must be, without exaggeration, one of the most stressful activities that a person faces in an effort to relax and entertain themselves. But spending so many hours on planning and taking numerous decisions is indeed totally exhausting.
In order to choose a destination and to book a hotel, the holidaymaker have to go through five stages of so-called customer journey.

At each stage a traveler may have plenty of micro-moments, in which he makes an enquiry and gets the needed information about the trip. Since in most cases the research is done on different devices, these momentary requests are also known as digital moments.

According to Google investigations, the most inquires are made from mobile devices. It indicates an increasing importance of smartphones for holidaymakers, so all possible travel services providers should consider the reorientation on mobile web pages in order to be able to address the new generation of travellers - Millennials. They are literally inseparable from their mobile phones and prefer to enjoy themselves even being on a business trip.
In 2017, the user’s pathway, starting from the idea to the reservation execution, includes a list of digital operations connected with the Internet research for trip opportunities. These can be the inquiries to a search engine, a website visiting, watching the videos, the clicks etc.

To find the best travel destination, to choose the best possible accommodation establishment and to develop an entertaining program, a traveler should look through a great deal of information and compare numerous offerings for transportation, lodging, exploring local sights and eating out.
The latest studies made it clear that the minimum average time, spent on travel customer journey, amounts for 12 hours. During this time the holidaymaker apparently has to open lots of websites or use different apps on their smartphone. Taking it into consideration, HotelFriend offers you a unique mobile App, which enables a hotelier to promote his rooms and services and allows a guest to save time and book everything within few minutes.
If Amy and Kendra had the HotelFriend mobile application, they would spend less time on planning their trip and could spend more time on their hobbies, friends and family.

The user does a lot of unnecessary actions when planning a trip and that’s why many people who like exploring new sites hate the whole pre-travel preparation, when every detail should be researched and planned just to be sure. However, with the right approach offered by HotelFriend and your worthy deals, your guests can change their mind on this point. Booking a desired accommodation and services as well as managing them with one touch becomes so easy and simple with HotelFriend App, that a traveller can enjoy their journey at every stage.
Modern travellers have been waiting for such an app for so long, and they are completely ready to start using it!

Thus, with our App you will be ready for the new era of brand differentiation, which will be supposedly unfolding the next 5 years and is already characterized by applying of diverse strategies aimed at highlighting of the brand’s personality and its advantageous key features.
- It’s a battle for hotel guests’ loyalty.
- Consumers’ needs and expectations are changing extremely fast.
- Hotel owners have to face numerous challenges.
- Our App can make it easier for hoteliers.
Make a qualitative investment in your hotel and be sure that your guests will appreciate your commitment as well as technologies. If you implement them now, you will be ahead of everyone and gain advantage over the other accommodation establishments in the region, because according to recent studies, technology is a crucial factor that influences a better brand differentiation.

of European tourists expect modern technology to make a stay more worthwhile
find modern technology at the hotel essential
find modern technology at the hotel important
Digitization is unstoppable and we have to integrate it into our present working process and optimize it. Our guests and potential customers are already there, and we have to meet them there!
Public relations: Ralph Eichelberger