We are happy to introduce you a new podcast about management in hospitality industry from 16.04.2018 with Valerie Wagner — a person with a huge experience in a niche and ability to affect the most discussed and important developments in the industry. With the purpose to encourage reflection and rethinking Valerie helps owners digitize their hotels for happy guests, loyal employees and, of course, increased revenues.
Our PR manager Marlene Hilger was invited to talk about relevant questions of hotel management.
Here are some of them:
💬 How can HotelFriend help hoteliers and with what 3 tools: booking portal, cloud-based hotel management and App for guests with Mobile Concierge?
💬 How does the deal composer works?
💬 Why is a new cloud-based system better than the old one?
💬 Is it safe to store data in the cloud?
💬 How does digitization affect business?
💬 How does the booking engine and the marketplace work on the hotelfriend.com website?
💬 What is the concierge application and how it improves guest experience at the hotel?
💬 How do we optimize the hotel page for search engines?
💬 Hotel Marketing in 2018.
Check out the full podcast for more:
Public relations: Marlene Hilger