Everything a modern person might need in any moment of their life can be found in Internet. As early as several years ago people had to use desktop computer for research, purchasing of goods or placing orders. That was pretty inconvenient due to the fact that a standard PC was big, heavy and subsequently not portable. Come to think of it, nowadays we are indeed lucky to have smartphones. Their role is hard to overestimate, because one could hardly imagine the lifestyle of people in civilized countries without the mobile devices. Smartphones are indispensable nowadays, especially for travelling around the world and exploring the most amazing sites and places.
Family vacation, destination weddings, last-minute getaways or business trips - whatever journey you plan, it is much easier to fulfill with the mobile phone. Compare: one third of leisure travelers and over a half of all business travelers prefer booking with the help of the smartphone.

Even the tablets, booming some years ago, are now losing their importance and are used 9 times more rarely than the mobile phones.
As for the computers and laptops, their popularity and efficiency are declining even more quicker as those of tablets. Some daily routines such as reading news are now much easier to do on the smartphones, as they allow you to get the information from anywhere and at any time - waiting in a queue in the supermarket, going in the bus or being stuck in the traffic jam. Choosing between the desktop and mobile device the majority of users would rather grab the phone to get an update on the latest events. Regarding that, the compactness and portability evidently prevail over the big screen and high capacity.
Use of mobile devices for news continues to grow
% of U.S. adults who get news from...

Of those who get news on both desktop and mobile, most prefer mobile
% of those who get news on both desktop and mobile who prefer mobile

Mobile platforms have not just caught up with the PC platforms, but they are already getting ahead of them:
Android overtakes Windows for the first time in usage share

It is interesting:
As early as 2011, Booking.com has transactions using mobile devices with a total value of more than 1 billion.
Speaking about the mobile phones in terms of comfortability, it’s worth mentioning that these small pieces of plastic and metal are not just a tool for our everyday tasks. According to the “Think with Google”, they give a feeling of self-awareness, alertness and higher productivity in getting over the difficulties and reaching the desired results within the short time.
of people admit that smartphones help them to be more productive.
say their phones help them feel more confident and prepared.
of people think phones reduce stress and/or anxiety in their lives.
The advantages of the smartphones are striking, especially when it comes to preparations for the trip. Discounts, check-in details, information about local sights, flight reservation and room booking - this is not even a full list of activities that can be done on the smartphone to organize a covered journey with all possible conveniences and without any troubles or difficulties.

With an increasing number of devices and apps, users’ demands are getting more and more exacting and challenging. Moreover, they differ due to the age, state, social status and country. The hoteliers, caring for their regular guests and focusing on attracting new customers, should consider the requirements of the travelers from various countries and offer exactly what they are looking for.
What respondents want from the mobile channel, by country

While some years ago the web was of crucial importance for those who wanted to win the clients using the desktop, nowadays apps should be a product number one for the hotel owners reorienting to the customers of new generation - digital natives. These make use of smartphones and particularly of mobile applications to fulfill any possible wish.
By way of illustration,the last year, the Europeans had spent more than 180 billion hours using tourist applications while the average number in Germany was two times higher. People there spend on average two hours a day on mobile applications.
Average minutes per day in Apps Android phone

Comparing with the users of mobile web, the apps are preferred by twice as many people and the tendency is growing.
Taking into account the rocketing usage of mobile hotel apps, we recommend you to try out the Concierge App of HotelFriend that allows travellers to plan their trip in advance including room booking, ordering, managing and scheduling services - and all this from one place. Enabling your customers to save their time and money as well as giving them a sense of control over their journey, you will boost their retention and loyalty.
Don't wait any longer, download now!
Let them use HotelFriend mobile application and prove yourself as a caring hotelier who foresees any guests’ needs.
- Google/ipsos MediaCT, The 2015 S Traveler's Road to Decision; base U.S. sure travelers. n=2.477, base U.S busintss travelers, n.1.279. Aug 2015
- Survey conducted March 13-27, 2017. "Americans' Aitutudes About the News Media Deeply Divided Along Portman Lines"
- App Annie, "Time spent in apps"
- Think With Google.
Public relations: Stephanie Moench